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со всех языков на русский

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  • 1 изучать русский

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > изучать русский

  • 2 изучать

    1. hack
    2. investigate
    3. scrutinize
    4. scan
    5. examine
    6. explore
    7. explored
    8. exploring
    9. learning
    10. probe
    11. studied
    12. studies
    13. studying
    14. under consideration
    15. under examination
    16. under study

    изучать право — to study law, to go to the law

    изучать медицину, учиться на врачаto study medicine

    изучать историю ; заниматься историейto study history

    17. study; learn; master; scrutinize
    18. read
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. исследуемый (прил.) вести изучение; вести исследования; заниматься изучением; заниматься исследованием; исследуемый; проводить исследование; проводить исследования
    2. учимый (прил.) одолеваемый; осваиваемый; постигаемый; проходимый; усваиваемый; учимый; штудируемый

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > изучать

  • 3 изучать русский

    Sokrat personal > изучать русский

  • 4 учить

    нсв vt
    1) (св вы́учить, научи́ть, обучи́ть) передавать знания to teach sb sth

    учи́ть кого-л ру́сскому языку́ — to teach sb Russian, to teach Russian to sb

    учи́ть дете́й, как обраща́ться к ста́ршим — to teach children how to relate to adults

    2) (св вы́учить) изучать to learn, глубоко to study; запоминать to memorize

    учи́ть уро́ки — to learn/to study one's lessons, to do one's homework

    учи́ть да́ты истори́ческих собы́тий — to memorize historical dates

    учи́ть наизу́сть — to learn by heart

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > учить

  • 5 Л-176

    ТЯНУТЬ/ПОТЯНУТЬ ЛЯМКУ coll VP subj: human usu. impfv) to be occupied for a long period of time with a difficult, unpleasant, monotonous task
    X тянул лямку = X slaved (toiled) (away)
    X sweated it out X performed (was engaged in) drudgery X was (remained) in harness X drudged (in limited contexts) X sweated.
    Жерков после своего изгнания из главного штаба не остался в полку, говоря, что он не дурак во фронте лямку тянуть, когда он при штабе, ничего не делая, получит наград больше... (Толстой 4). After his dismissal from head-quarters Zherkov had not remained in the regiment, saying he was not such a fool as to slave at the front when he could get more rewards by doing nothing on the staff... (4b).
    Максим кончает пехотное училище, будет тянуть армейскую лямку (Рыбаков 2)...Max was finishing infantry school and would sweat it out in the army (2a).
    .При изменившихся обстоятельствах мне казалось невыносимым тянуть всё ту же лямку (Гинзбург 2)....In the changed circumstances, it seemed insufferable to me to have to perform the same drudgery as before (2a).
    Отец его, боевой генерал 1812 года, полуграмотный, грубый, но не злой русский человек, всю жизнь свою тянул лямку, командовал сперва бригадой, потом дивизией... (Тургенев 2). His father, a general, who had seen active service in 1812, a coarse and uneducated Russian but not ill-natured, had been in harness all his life, commanding a brigade at first and then a division... (2a). His father, a general who had fought in 1812, a half-educated, coarse, but not ill-natured man, a typical Russian, had drudged all his life, first in command of a brigade, then of a division... (2b).
    Нет, пускай послужит он в армии, да потянет лямку, да понюхает пороху, да будет солдат...» (Пушкин 2). "No, let him serve in the army, let him learn to sweat and get used to the smell of gunpowder, let him become a soldier..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-176

  • 6 потянуть лямку

    [VP; subj: human; usu. impfv]
    to be occupied for a long period of time with a difficult, unpleasant, monotonous task:
    - X тянул лямку X slaved (toiled) (away);
    - [in limited contexts] X sweated.
         ♦ Жерков после своего изгнания из главного штаба не остался в полку, говоря, что он не дурак во фронте лямку тянуть, когда он при штабе, ничего не делая, получит наград больше... (Толстой 4). After his dismissal from head-quarters Zherkov had not remained in the regiment, saying he was not such a fool as to slave at the front when he could get more rewards by doing nothing on the staff... (4b).
         ♦ Максим кончает пехотное училище, будет тянуть армейскую лямку (Рыбаков 2)...Max was finishing infantry school and would sweat it out in the army (2a).
         ♦...При изменившихся обстоятельствах мне казалось невыносимым тянуть всё ту же лямку (Гинзбург 2)....In the changed circumstances, it seemed insufferable to me to have to perform the same drudgery as before (2a).
         ♦ Отец его, боевой генерал 1812 года, полуграмотный, грубый, но не злой русский человек, всю жизнь свою тянул лямку, командовал сперва бригадой, потом дивизией... (Тургенев 2). His father, a general, who had seen active service in 1812, a coarse and uneducated Russian but not ill-natured, had been in harness all his life, commanding a brigade at first and then a division... (2a). His father, a general who had fought in 1812, a halfeducated, coarse, but not ill-natured man, a typical Russian, had drudged all his life, first in command of a brigade, then of a division... (2b).
         ♦ "Нет, пускай послужит он в армии, да потянет лямку, да понюхает пороху, да будет солдат..." (Пушкин 2). "No, let him serve in the army, let him learn to sweat and get used to the smell of gunpowder, let him become a soldier..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > потянуть лямку

  • 7 тянуть лямку

    [VP; subj: human; usu. impfv]
    to be occupied for a long period of time with a difficult, unpleasant, monotonous task:
    - X тянул лямку X slaved (toiled) (away);
    - [in limited contexts] X sweated.
         ♦ Жерков после своего изгнания из главного штаба не остался в полку, говоря, что он не дурак во фронте лямку тянуть, когда он при штабе, ничего не делая, получит наград больше... (Толстой 4). After his dismissal from head-quarters Zherkov had not remained in the regiment, saying he was not such a fool as to slave at the front when he could get more rewards by doing nothing on the staff... (4b).
         ♦ Максим кончает пехотное училище, будет тянуть армейскую лямку (Рыбаков 2)...Max was finishing infantry school and would sweat it out in the army (2a).
         ♦...При изменившихся обстоятельствах мне казалось невыносимым тянуть всё ту же лямку (Гинзбург 2)....In the changed circumstances, it seemed insufferable to me to have to perform the same drudgery as before (2a).
         ♦ Отец его, боевой генерал 1812 года, полуграмотный, грубый, но не злой русский человек, всю жизнь свою тянул лямку, командовал сперва бригадой, потом дивизией... (Тургенев 2). His father, a general, who had seen active service in 1812, a coarse and uneducated Russian but not ill-natured, had been in harness all his life, commanding a brigade at first and then a division... (2a). His father, a general who had fought in 1812, a halfeducated, coarse, but not ill-natured man, a typical Russian, had drudged all his life, first in command of a brigade, then of a division... (2b).
         ♦ "Нет, пускай послужит он в армии, да потянет лямку, да понюхает пороху, да будет солдат..." (Пушкин 2). "No, let him serve in the army, let him learn to sweat and get used to the smell of gunpowder, let him become a soldier..." (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > тянуть лямку

  • 8 урок

    1) учебное занятие class, lesson; в университетах, колледжах BE tutorial

    дава́ть/брать уро́ки ру́сского/пе́ния — to give/to take Russian/singing lessons, to give/to take lessons in Russian/in singing

    когда́ начина́ется пе́рвый уро́к? — when does the first class/lesson begin?

    учитель: извини́те, мне на́до идти́, у меня́ сейча́с уро́к — teacher: I'm sorry, I must be going: I have (a class) to teach now

    2) мн задание homework sg, lessons

    де́лать уро́ки — to do one's homework, to study one's lessons

    нагля́дный уро́к — an object lesson

    препода́ть кому-л уро́к — to teach sb a lesson

    получи́ть хоро́ший уро́к — to learn one's lesson

    пусть э́то послу́жит тебе́ уро́ком — let this be a lesson to you

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > урок

  • 9 Л-15

    HE В ЛАДУ (HE В ЛАДАХ) coll PrepP these forms only)
    1. \Л-15 с кем ( subj-compl with бытьд (subj: human or adv
    one is in disagreement with s.o., has a strained relationship with s.o.: X не в ладу с Y-ом - X is at odds with Y
    X is on the outs with Y X is on bad (not on good) terms with Y there's something wrong between X and Y something is not right between X and Y X does not get along (get on) with Y (in limited contexts) X and Y just don't click.
    «Нет, он (Собакевич) с ними не в ладах», - подумал про себя Чичиков (Гоголь 3). "Не (Sobakevich) must be at odds with them," Chichikov thought to himself (3c).
    ...Кузнец, который был издавна не в ладах с ним (с Чубом), при нем ни за что не отважится идти к дочке, несмотря на свою силу (Гоголь 5)....The blacksmith, who had for a long time been on bad terms with him (Chub), would on no account have ventured, strong as he was, to visit the daughter when the father was at home (5a).
    По несчастию, татарин-миссионер был не в ладах с муллою в Малмыже (Герцен 1). Unfortunately, the Tatar missionary was not on good terms with the mullah at Malmyzho (1a).
    ...Я подумал: «Или вдовец, или живет не в ладах с женой» (Шолохов 1). Either he's а widower, I decided, or there's something wrong between him and his wife (lc).
    С братьями по вере (пятидесятник) не в ладах. Слишком для них эксцентричен (Терц 3). Не (the Pentecostalist) does not get on with his brethren in the faith-they find him too eccentric... (3a).
    2. - с чем ( subj-compl with бытье (subj: human) one cannot understand or master sth., cannot learn how to use, apply etc sth.: X не в ладу с Y-ом - X is at odds (at variance) with Y
    X is not (very) good at Y X is not cut out for Y.
    "...Мне кажется, вы немножко не в ладах с русской грамматикой» (Войнович 3). "..It seems to me that you are somewhat at odds with Russian grammar" (3a)
    3. rare \Л-15 с чем ( usu. var. не в ладу
    subj-compl with бытье ( subj: abstr or concr)) sth. is in discord with some other thing
    X с Y-ом не в ладу = X is not in harmony (in tune) with Y
    X and Y are at variance X is not in sync with Y.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-15

  • 10 не в ладах

    НЕ В ЛАДУ < НЕ В ЛАДАХ> coll
    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. не в ладах с кем [subj-compl with быть (subj: human) or adv]
    one is in disagreement with s.o., has a strained relationship with s.o.:
    - Хне в ладу с Y-ом X is at odds with Y;
    - X is on bad < not on good> terms with Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X and Y just don't click.
         ♦ "Нет, он [Собакевич] с ними не в ладах", - подумал про себя Чичиков (Гоголь 3). " Не [Sobakevich] must be at odds with them," Chichikov thought to himself (3c).
         ♦...Кузнец, который был издавна не в ладах с ним [с Чубом], при нем ни за что не отважится идти к дочке, несмотря на свою силу (Гоголь 5)....The blacksmith, who had for a long time been on bad terms with him [Chub], would on no account have ventured, strong as he was, to visit the daughter when the father was at home (5a).
         ♦ По несчастию, татарин-миссионер был не в ладах с муллою в Малмыже (Герцен 1). Unfortunately, the Tatar missionary was not on good terms with the mullah at Malmyzho (1a).
         ♦...Я подумал: "Или вдовец, или живёт не в ладах с женой" (Шолохов 1). Either he's a widower, I decided, or there's something wrong between him and his wife (lc).
         ♦ С братьями по вере [пятидесятник] не в ладах. Слишком для них эксцентричен (Терц 3). Не [the Pentecostalist] does not get on with his brethren in the faith-they find him too eccentric... (3a).
    2. не в ладах с чем [subj-compl with быть (subj: human)]
    one cannot understand or master sth., cannot learn how to use, apply etc sth.:
    - X не в ладу с Y-ом X is at odds (at variance) with Y;
    - X is not cut out for Y.
         ♦ "...Мне кажется, вы немножко не в ладах с русской грамматикой" (Войнович 3). "...It seems to me that you are somewhat at odds with Russian grammar" (3a)
    3. rare не в ладах с чем [usu. var. не в ладу; subj-compl with быть (subj: abstr or concr)]
    sth. is in discord with some other thing:
    - X с Y-ом не в ладу X is not in harmony (in tune) with Y;
    - X is not in sync with Y.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не в ладах

  • 11 не в ладу

    НЕ В ЛАДУ < НЕ В ЛАДАХ> coll
    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. не в ладу с кем [subj-compl with быть (subj: human) or adv]
    one is in disagreement with s.o., has a strained relationship with s.o.:
    - Хне в ладу с Y-ом X is at odds with Y;
    - X is on bad < not on good> terms with Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X and Y just don't click.
         ♦ "Нет, он [Собакевич] с ними не в ладах", - подумал про себя Чичиков (Гоголь 3). " Не [Sobakevich] must be at odds with them," Chichikov thought to himself (3c).
         ♦...Кузнец, который был издавна не в ладах с ним [с Чубом], при нем ни за что не отважится идти к дочке, несмотря на свою силу (Гоголь 5)....The blacksmith, who had for a long time been on bad terms with him [Chub], would on no account have ventured, strong as he was, to visit the daughter when the father was at home (5a).
         ♦ По несчастию, татарин-миссионер был не в ладах с муллою в Малмыже (Герцен 1). Unfortunately, the Tatar missionary was not on good terms with the mullah at Malmyzho (1a).
         ♦...Я подумал: "Или вдовец, или живёт не в ладах с женой" (Шолохов 1). Either he's a widower, I decided, or there's something wrong between him and his wife (lc).
         ♦ С братьями по вере [пятидесятник] не в ладах. Слишком для них эксцентричен (Терц 3). Не [the Pentecostalist] does not get on with his brethren in the faith-they find him too eccentric... (3a).
    2. не в ладу с чем [subj-compl with быть (subj: human)]
    one cannot understand or master sth., cannot learn how to use, apply etc sth.:
    - X не в ладу с Y-ом X is at odds (at variance) with Y;
    - X is not cut out for Y.
         ♦ "...Мне кажется, вы немножко не в ладах с русской грамматикой" (Войнович 3). "...It seems to me that you are somewhat at odds with Russian grammar" (3a)
    3. rare не в ладу с чем [usu. var. не в ладу; subj-compl with быть (subj: abstr or concr)]
    sth. is in discord with some other thing:
    - X с Y-ом не в ладу X is not in harmony (in tune) with Y;
    - X is not in sync with Y.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не в ладу

  • 12 роль

    1) театр, кино role; театр тж. part

    роль второ́го пла́на — supporting role

    распределя́ть роли — cast roles / parts

    игра́ть роль (рд.) — play the role / part (of)

    игра́ть роль Га́млета — play / act Hamlet

    игра́ть гла́вную роль — play the leading part; (перен. тж.) play first fiddle идиом. разг.

    2) ( текст роли) lines pl

    учи́ть роль — learn one's lines

    3) ( функции) role, function

    игра́ть роль хозя́йки [сове́тчика] — act as hostess [adviser]

    поменя́ться роля́ми — switch / swap roles

    4) ( значение) role, significance

    роль Пу́шкина в исто́рии ру́сской литерату́ры — Pushkin's role in the history of Russian literature


    в роли (рд.) — in the role (of); acting (as); as

    войти́ в роль — get into one's role; (рд.) get into the role (of)

    вы́держать роль — keep up a part, sustain an act

    вы́йти из роли (рд.) — abandon / relinguish the role (of)

    на пе́рвых роля́х — in a key role / position sg

    на вторы́х роля́х — in a supporting role sg

    игра́ть роль (иметь значение) — matter, count, be of importance

    э́то не игра́ет роли — it is of no importance, it does not matter at all

    игра́ть гла́вную / важне́йшую роль — be of primary importance

    э́то сыгра́ло свою́ роль — it has played its part

    игра́ть глу́пую роль — act a silly part

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > роль

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Russian jokes — ( ru. анекдоты (transcribed anekdoty), literally anecdotes) the most popular form of Russian humour, are short fictional stories or dialogues with a punch line. Russian joke culture features a series of categories with fixed and highly familiar… …   Wikipedia

  • Russian alphabet — The modern Russian alphabet is a variant of the Cyrillic alphabet. It was introduced into Kievan Rus at the time of Vladimir the Great s conversion to Christianity (988), or, if certain archeological finds are correctly dated, at a slightly… …   Wikipedia

  • Russian culture — Saint Basil s Cathedral on the Red Square, Moscow …   Wikipedia

  • Russian American Medical Association — The Russian American Medical Association (RAMA) is a non profit organization of Russian American physicians founded in 2002 with a mission to facilitate and enable Russian American physicians and health care professionals to excel in patient care …   Wikipedia

  • Russian visual arts — Early Russian painting focused on icon painting and vibrant fresco s inherited by Russians from Byzantium. As Moscow rose to power, Theophanes the Greek and Andrei Rublev are vital names associated with the beginning of a distinctly Russian art.… …   Wikipedia

  • Military history of the Russian Empire — Armies of Russia Kievan Rus Druzhina (862–1400s) Voyi …   Wikipedia

  • Freedom of the press in the Russian Federation — 2009 RWB press freedom rankings   Free …   Wikipedia

  • Reforms of Russian orthography — The reform of Russian orthography refers to changes made to the Russian alphabet over the course of the history of the Russian language. Contents 1 Early Changes 2 Eighteenth century changes 3 Nineteenth century changes …   Wikipedia

  • The Russian Campaign — is a strategic board wargame of the Eastern Front during World War II, during the period 1941 45. The unit scale is German Corps and Russian Armies. The game was designed by John Edwards, and was first published by Jedko Games in 1975. The Avalon …   Wikipedia

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